How to Win Him & Keep Him HappyHow to Win Him and Keep Him Happy delivers easy answers to some of marriage’s most difficult problems, and provides simple solutions for sustainable personal growth. Both married and single women alike will find answers to questions such as:
In this easy how-to book, Niki provides the answers to all of these questions, and the principles for overall freedom in marriage! You will learn how to be a blessing to your husband’s heart, and make it so that he can’t wait to get home to you at the end of the day. She teaches how to serve without agendas or attitudes, tips on being more “attractive,” and tried and true methods for a happy, healthy marriage. A marriage that leaves your husband adoring you, praising you, and in awe that he got to marry the woman who is still, and will always be, the woman of his dreams: You! |
Strong in Spirit: 5-Minute Devotions for Preteen Boys5-Minute devotions to guide boys ages 9 to 12 in growing up―and growing stronger in faith
Being a preteen means encountering tons of new thoughts, feelings, and information―and sometimes it’s hard to know what’s right or wrong. This daily devotional for teen boys can help you uncover the truth through God’s Word. Spending just a few minutes with God will help you tackle challenges and understand the right path for you. Start each devotion with a short selection from Scripture, explore how each Bible passage can connect to your own life, and journal right in the book. With God’s comfort and support, you can meet each day with courage! Go beyond other devotionals for teen boys with:
If you've been divorced or know anyone who has, this mini-book is a must read! The vast majority of Christians have an incorrect understanding of the scriptures pertaining to divorce and remarriage, and as a result can live in condemnation - or worse, condemning others. The fact is, these scriptures have not been properly translated from the Greek and Hebrew, and unfortunately, most have not taken the time to study this out. Lay people and ministers alike will benefit from correct, detailed biblical knowledge about these topics and will finally have an answer for those with questions - or judgments.