![]() I'm A Super Woman? Who told you that you can’t do every single thing that you were placed on this Earth to do? Who told you that you weren’t worthy of greatness? That you weren’t smart, pretty, talented, or thin enough? Who lied to you? Why Didn’t I Know I Was Super? The Bible says that the devil is the father of all lies. The truth cannot be found in him. Conversely, God is the author of truth. He cannot tell a lie. This must mean that every thought, idea and word spoken over you that is not perfectly in line with what the Word of God says about you, only came from one place: The devil. That’s a powerful thought when you consider it, because if that’s true, then it means that a large percentage of our perception about ourselves originated from Satan himself. So now we must ask our self, “How did it get there?” Was it from a seed that a well-meaning (or not so well-meaning) parent or authority figure placed there (perhaps discouraging us from pursuing our dreams, helping us not have to “face disappointment”)? Could it have been from reading worldly magazines that tell us our worth is found in outer beauty and sexiness, leaving us feeling “less-than” and unworthy of attention? Or perhaps it came from listening to music that sends all the wrong messages, yet we listen anyway because we “like the beat”? Gasp! No! It couldn’t be! Regardless of where you found the seed, if it doesn’t agree with how God thinks of you, then it was planted by the devil and it MUST come out! What Is My Super Power? Let’s go back to the beginning. If you’ve ever read Genesis 1, you know that God created the entire universe and everything in it with ONLY His words. The devil is incapable of creating anything. He can only take what has already been done, then reuse and recycle it. In Genesis 1:27 and 2:7, it says that God created us in His image and likeness, and we are a speaking spirit, just like Him. We are his sons and daughters and have been created to operate in the same manner as He. You are a creative being, just like God! This automatically makes us more powerful than Satan, who can create nothing! Our mouth is our super power. Just like God created His world with His words, we create our world with our words. How Do I Get My Super Power? It is through Jesus that we become God’s children and obtain righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:17-19). Salvation is a free gift, which is like a key that unlocks all of the power and promises God has for us. There is nothing we can do to earn it, or to disqualify ourselves from it. It’s yours, and to receive it, you only need to believe. So Now, How Do I Use It? If you’re not getting what you want out of life, check your words: The power that is coming out of your mouth. Remember, you are a creative being, like God, so whenever you are speaking, you are creating, and what you are creating is your world. Those little thoughts you have, that you have let slip through the cracks, and then slip out of your mouth are attracting things to you. Prov. 30:32b tells us that if we think evil (Anything that sets itself against God’s word), to put our hand over our mouth. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T SPEAK YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS OUT LOUD! This is imperative in your life as a Super Woman! Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. It is with your words you create, and it is with your words that you destroy. But So Far in life I Have Not Been So Super… What Do I Do? Change the image! God gave you the power to change everything. Do you remember what it is? Yes! Your words! Matthew 15:13 says that every tree that was not planted by Father God, Himself, will be pulled up by the roots. So those seeds of unworthiness, that we all have, that were planted there by the devil have to go! Isn’t that good news? Even if they’ve grown into trees, they WILL be uprooted! Romans 12:2 says that if we want to fulfill God’s purpose, we MUST transform the image we have of ourselves. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to cast down everything we can even IMAGINE that sets itself against God! Our thoughts, our words, our meditations: They’re all fertilization for the seeds that have been planted. We must begin to fertilize ONLY the seeds of the Word of God in our hearts (Luke 8:11). So What Is My Next Super-Step? 1. Be a Super-Forgiver! Believe it or not, forgiveness is key. Unforgiveness will weigh you down, and keep you from ever being able to fully accomplish God’s purpose for your life. I recommend you make a list of everyone you could possibly think of that you even MAY need to forgive, and then begin working down your list. It is common to need the support of a friend in this process, but watch how much more Super you begin to feel as you begin to forgive. One of the main tools the devil uses to plant his seeds in you is people. He sends people along your path to do wrong to you, and hinder you from fulfilling your purpose. But remember, Jesus said that those trees WILL be uprooted. 2. Super thoughts! Change your thoughts. Most of the negative images you have came from those people that you just forgave anyway, so this part naturally (or Supernaturally) comes next in the process. Our thoughts are important and powerful because Matt. 12:34b tells us that that’s where our words (our creative power) come from. What’s in our heart in abundance will eventually come out of our mouths and shape our world. So we MUST get our thoughts right! We must CHOOSE our thoughts, don’t let them choose us, because they will eventually overtake us. Cast down those negative images, rebuke them in the name of Jesus, and refuse to think them anymore! 3. Use your Super power for good! You’ve always had this power. Now you know how to harness it. Speak the Word of God only over yourself, your situations and your surroundings. The best resource is the Word of God, but another good resource is our youth ministry website, www.GoHardforChrist.com. From the homepage, click on “More Stuff”, then Living Word, and you can find confessions for almost any topic. Also, from the website you can listen to any of Pastor David’s (my husband’s) podcasts for free! This is a great start to planting seeds for new, Super-powerful trees in your heart! 4. Fulfill your Super-Natural purpose! God placed that purpose in your heart. He knew what He needed you to do even before you were formed in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-16). It’s time for you to start following hard after that purpose, and doing the Super-important thing that you were created to do!
Niki WinstonI just want to share stuff I've done, stuff I like, and stuff that can help make your life even better! Archives
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