![]() So many of us want all of the promises of God - the healing, the peace, the prospering life, soul and finances, the wholeness and feeling of fulfillment & satisfaction (that we see others have), the power - but we are not seeing it in our lives. We are tempted to ask God "Why?" But God says, "How can I give you all of Me, when you're not giving Me all of YOU?" The more of you that you give God, the more He can act in your life. You need to "fit" Him, and there's only so much space available. In order to make room for one thing (God) you must give up another ("doing you"). Give him every crack and crevice like the pieces of a puzzle: if you start removing pieces that are there, there are spaces left. We often only make the spaces for God that we want Him to have, but God wants ALL of your pieces - He wants the whole puzzle board. He wants the good stuff, the ministry, the love and forgiveness, but He also wants the hurt and pain, the insecurities (especially the insecurities), the difficult situations, the easy ones, your finances, your choices - for school, career, relationships, even meal choices for some of us! Don't hold out on God. Give Him all the parts of you - hidden and exposed, and watch those things that you've prayed for Him to handle for you be taken care of, fall off, or flourish (whatever is the appropriate need). He is God. Trust Him fully and completely. And when you feel your faith wavering, remind yourself (and Him) by saying (out loud), "I trust You, Lord." It's that simple. Romans 10 tells us that faith comes by HEARING... If we want to build our faith to trust God, then hear yourself tell yourself that you do. Only when we fully trust God can we truly give Him our all. So... you want ALL of God? Then give Him ALL of YOU. Jeremiah 29:11-14 Psalm 139 (the WHOLE thing!)
So many of you have seen the video of my husband speaking on forgiveness, and talking about how we had recently found out that some folks were talking about us - especially me. ?
I admit: it was hard. But my hubby came through for me with such great encouragement that I couldn't keep it to myself. I asked him permission to copy and paste, then post the text messages he sent to me on my blog. I wanted them to serve as an awesome example of how a godly spouse responds with encouragement when someone has been talking about their husband/wife. Of course he said yes! I have broken up each individual text message so you can see exactly how his texts came through to my phone - this was so much life to me!? ? This is what the Bible means when it says that husbands are to wash their wives with water by the word (of God). Eph. 5:26. See below for personal, private texts from my hubby, and an awesome example of spousal support... ***** Hey boo I just want to let you know that you are the BEST woman that I know. Astoundingly loving, amazingly positive, breathtakingly beautiful, and so pure in heart ❤️ ----------- That's the way I see you and many others see you. You are an amazing wife and a virtuous woman! You always have been, and you will continue to be. The enemy wants to poison you with the wrong opinions of a few. But you know who you are, I know who you are, and hundreds more know who you are. Many women and young ladies have said to me on multiple occasions, "I want to be like your wife." YOU ARE GODLY! And that is the light of Christ. That's what you have. It draws people, and then you show them who God is. That's what I love about you. You have challenged me in our ten years just by being so good-hearted and loving no matter what. That's what JESUS was like. ----------- Some people want you to become what you were not meant to be. But I like what I see from you because you are EVERYTHING that God meant for you to be. I am honored to call you my wife! You amaze me every day. I love your heart and I love you! ??? ---------- YOU ARE B E A U T I F U L!! ----------- I love you!!! As we grow and our reach grows, it's important to remind ourselves of who we were. And that is the same person we still are. Just wiser and more patient lol. It's challenging not to let the opinions of others (good or bad) change us. Too much of the good and that could lead to the temptation of pride. I'm glad that we are challenged with these things so we can take a clear look at ourselves and make sure that we are everything that God wants us to be. Some people don't like spinach. Some don't like cake. In 2017, I’m telling people, "I f I'm not your flavor, you don't have to choose me. Just keep it movin!" *Mic drop* ? ----------- I'm seeing now, because you are an amazing wife, and you claim to be as well, the enemy is going to come after your confession... he wants you to stop saying it, and stop believing it. ----------- We have to say daily over you You are an amazing, godly and virtuous woman and wife! ----------- I just got a revelation! If the enemy can't get you to do wrong, he will make up stories about wrongdoing and put you in it! Just look at Joseph and how he was accused of sleeping with Photip. wife. That was actually a testament to his integrity. The devil couldn't get him to do wrong so he made up wrongdoing. And the scripture actually says that she tried to come on to him over and over and he kept denying. So finally she made something up. WOW...that will preach. ------------ Gen. 39:10 ------------ And it says that Joseph was handsome and attractive. |
Niki WinstonI just want to share stuff I've done, stuff I like, and stuff that can help make your life even better! Archives
October 2020
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